Have u ever feel that your privacy is being invaded? Well that is how I’m feeling rite now…this is due to last nite incident….
Well, yesterday after work, me and sue followed yana to Carrefour to buy a farewell gift for Tn. Hj. Khairi (Head Of Science Department) because today we will be having a Majlis Pertukaran for him…so we came back around 8.30pm…as usual I drove back to our rent house and as always sue will go out and open the gate for me and she will go and bukak the main door…then she switched the porch light while I was still in the car…after that the first question that she asked me when I came out from the car was
Sue : “Yone u ada bukak tingkap tu tak?(and she pointed to the window)
Yone : “Tak pun…u ada bukak tak?
Sue : “Tak pun” but then the window was wide open(our window is the kind yg mcm sliding door tuh but the old style where you have to push from inside) (by the way minggu nih only sue and me jer ada kat umah sbb Linda balik seremban sbb dia cuti for 2 weeks)
After seeing the window like that, dengan spontan I asked sue to locked the door and get back into the car …takut ler sebabnyer since Tuesday rumah sebelah tuh cam tgh renovate and tak tau ler the owner or somebody have put a ladder on the porch of rumah sebelah(bukan setakat letak baring camtuh tapi menegak as if inviting anybody to climb on it kiranya dari luar org boleh nampak ler tangga tuh) on Tuesday I already mentioned to sue yang kalau tangga tuh letak camtuh gerenti bleh masuk to our house tak kira la thru balcony ker or thru the roof (but we don’t want to think negative or pikir benda2 merapu sangat so we just ignore) and the next day jadi camnih lak kan….byk ler our theory…sue kata logic tak kalau ada org cari we all and sampai masuk porch and selak curtain? Well I don’t think so….to dat extend? what is dat la woii? Lagipun we don’t really know anybody sampai nak cari we all kat rumah the people yg we know would be our colleague jer…fobia tuh tak tau aahh nak cakap camna….mana la nak tau kot2 ada org kat dlm rumah ker, ada org atas bumbung ker, eeeee ngeri la…I’m having goose bump rite now just by thinking what could have happen if the scenario was different eee mintak simpang ler
Masa dah masuk dlm kreta tuh masing2 ligat dok pikir camna nak wat nih…sapa yg we all nak panggil…if we call our girlfriends, cam sama jer effect dia kan…then I terpikir la nak call Zaidi and Amran tapi takkan la nak suruh 2 org laki bujang tu masuk to our hse mlm2 camtuhkan…nak tanya jiran sebelah, they were not at home pulak..nak pegi tanya makcik minah pun gate dia cam dah rantai rapat dah….so in the end we decided to go to nisha’s house which is a few blocks away…bila dah sampai depan rumah dia, sue called his brother to come and check for us…so we waited ler in nisha’s hse…
Bila abg sue datang, the first thing yg dia tanya was “Tangga tuh mmg ada kat situ ker?” we explained the whole thing to him and dia pun masuk ler ke dalam rumah and check…mmg tak der aper2 yg hilang then abg dia pesan leer kalau ada aper2 call dia cepat2 lagipun dia tak jauh sangat sbb mlm nih dia tido kat umah mak mertua dia so kira dekat ler ngan we all….bila abg sue dah balik baru we all perasan yg kat atas lantai dekat ngan window tuh ada putung rokok lagi ler haru biru we all jadinyer
Aaahhhh fobia2…dah la baru sangat cermin kereta pecah, then jadi camni lak…fobia rumah kena masuk pencuri last year pun tak abis lagi dah jadi camnih lak….last week dah la cha call informed that rumah dia kena skodeng…siap ada tangga kat belakang toilet rumah derang…I did not inform mama lagi…takut nanti mama risau pulak….bila dah jadi camnih baru both of us cam jadi lebih aware with our surrounding..mata nih kerja nak meliar tengok siling pastu mesti ada urge to look behind our back although we are in our rooms….:(