Yah's wedding!!!
Sorry ler it has been a long2 time...nak wat camna....i was so damn bz dengan kursusnya merata2 that's the reason sbb apa tak update the blog....after coming back from the kursus, terus jer cuti 3 weeks (semester break) mmg cuti abis ler tak tengok langsung kerja....laptop bukak but main game jer heheheheh kononnya nak release tensen and of course saya menjalankan kerja penangguhan yang banyak hahaha... anyway bout the house incident tuh....malas ler nak cerita....coz when linda came back and i told her the story she just said perhaps i terlupa tutup tv tuh kot....so malas nak panjang2kan creta so we just leave it like that....and we mite be getting a new housemate cuma tak confirm lagi jer... so that's the story ler....
during my semester break, it was a coincident that yah kawin....so mmg sibuk aaa...starting from the first week lagi ...siap kena jadi driver bawak mama and mima pi memanggil orang....habis aaa satu penang round....lepas tuh jadi driver yah plak bila dia balik....but overall it was fun experience altho a tiring one....sampai bengkak2 ler muka gua sbb panas sangat(prosesnyer bengkak dulu then gatal2 muka sampai leher, next kulit mengelupas and kasar2 and now nak kata proses healing pun tak leh sangat ler sbb dia dah jadi cam spot here and spot there....mmg buruk sesangat aarrr and the worst part is this monday new batch will be coming in and kena tunjuk muka yg tgh underconstruction nih waaa...waaa..waaa... so here are some of the wedding photographs from yah's wedding day.... it took me three days to upload all these photos sbb nak tunggu benda nih upload dah la tahap lambat then kena lari2 buat keje lain lak tuh so asyik save draft jer ...