Friday, January 12, 2007

Another Bad News

Today early in the morning, our ketua jabatan came to us and inform me and sue that there will be 2 new informatics lecurers will report for duty this monday...well it is actually a good news to the unit but the bad news was we (me and sue) might have to be transported back to english unit...that's the thing...personally i feel that i dont have any say in the matter as if they do not consider our needs at all...previously when the informatics unit were shortage of lecturers, they pulled us in without our agreement and now when both of us are quite comfortable in the unit, they are going to send us back to the english unit...macam tarik tali lak kejap di sini and then di sana make matter worst, because of this transfer between departments, our pengesahan jawatan mite be delay....urrgghhh tension ler camnih...ketua unit english dah bising tanya bila we all nak pindah sana balik and ketua unit sebelah informatics tak dak pulak nak back us up but then we already called her and she said that she's going to back us up the end i dont really know what will happen to later on...but to tell u the truth i'm quite happy being in the informatics unit since i've been given to broaden my knowledge in IT fields hehehe
if the pengarah still wants us to go back to english i dont know la...i have plans ler i just started to survey all the courses for master programs in Education with IT i'm just blocking my mind to all the possibilities and trying to make my feelings numb hahaha so that's the bad news for today...any word of wisdoms out there that u wanna share with me on this matter?


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