Tuesday, June 29, 2004

it's a wet wet day

today penang is ssooo wet....coz it's rainy day...and how i wish dat i'm at home on my bed sleeping...zzzzzzz it will be heaven aaa...anyway last nite i slept over at mima's place and i wanted to sleep early la kononnya....hahah macam ler boleh bila ada the twins tuh kat umah...althought both of them dah besar (standard 6) tapi children will always be children....

at first they asked me to teach them to play da harry potter card game(gnome toss)mmg lawak abis ler main benda tuh....i was leading mmg dah hampir sangat mengecapi kemenangan but then they all tak kasi can nyer la.....so terkalah ler kejap...abidin won dat round...but overall the game was fun and hampir terkoyak da cards...after the game we had to eat our dinner and i thought tak per la bleh la tidur awal skit coz da night before dat dah stay up lama kan....then si akhbar lak bawak turun sahiba

then they all ajak lak main sahiba ngan yah and huzaifah(pah) they all....at first mmg tak larat aaa nak main but then bila tgk they all xited nak main so i joined ler...but we did not play sahibba, we played scrabble instead...and again i lost to bebudak tuh(can u imagine dat?) ye la mana tak nya they all belh menang..they all asyik aim kat kotak yg double and tripple word jer...then tak nak bukak lak tuh kat org lain...they all buat perkataan yg pendek2 jer lak tuh...lika pah he was da one yg kena start dulu and the word that he made for the first word was ACE...nak mengembangkan perkataan tuh pun cam susah but still we manage ler...hik...hik..

well overall last nite was superb in it's own way coz i had fun la gak...hehhe tuh nasib baik they all tak ajak main chess ker carom ker...klau main tuh semua lagi ler teruk kena bantai...hehhe so eventually i slept lambat gak last nite....around 12...tak per la my plan today is balik umah and sleep early...serius how i tresure my sleep...:) ok chow..**Yawn**


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